
Here you will find information on class discussions, readings and assignments, and links to supplementary information for success in American History. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 23rd

Advanced American Studies

The focus of today's activities is the role of the Nixon administration in the Vietnam War. Collectively, we answered the following questions:

1. Richard Nixon was elected in 1968. Why did he seem to be such a divisive character?
2. In what ways did Nixon change course in Vietnam? In what areas did his administration struggle with regard to Vietnam?
3. What prompted the events at Kent State? (photo on left courtesy of New York University Archives)
4. According to Tommy Burns (reading), what angered the "hard hats" in May of 1970? Who do you believe was right in this confrontation?

Assignment/Reminders: Briefing/memo, Vietnamization questions and Quiz #2 are all slated for Friday.

American Studies:
We focused on the definition of Civil liberties and discussed how the balance between individual liberty and collective security is at times controversial during times of war. Specifically, during WWI, we discussed the Espionage and Sedition Acts, as well as the impact of the war on German culture in America.

Secondly, we began the movie "Lost Battalion". This film will conclude on Monday.

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