
Here you will find information on class discussions, readings and assignments, and links to supplementary information for success in American History. Enjoy!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1st

Advanced American History

For the next few days, we will be viewing the film The Lost Battalion.  Please read the overview of the events on which the movie was based below:

On October 2nd, 1918, units of the 77th "Liberty" Division from New York advanced into the dense terrain of the Argonne Forest in France. 

History was made over the next 6 days as this unit, the "Lost Battalion", refused to surrender even though they were completely surrounded, constantly attacked, low on ammunition and supplies, had no food, shelter and limited access to water. Of the over 600 men first trapped in the "pocket", only around 200 walked out. They received 3 Congressional Medal of Honors (CMO), many Distinguished Service Crosses (DSC), and many other awards. Their leader, Major Whittlesey, was declared one of the three most important members of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) by General Pershing, Commander of the AEF. Two airmen received CMO's for their involvement in the event, the first attempted air resupply drop in military history. Others trying to relieve the battalion also received the DSC. A carrier pigeon, Cher Ami, received international acclaim for heroically delivering a message. 

Major Charles Whittelsey of the Lost Battalion (on left)

American Studies

The impact of WWI on American society was discussed today.  In particular, be able to organize the events of 1917 - 1918 in the following categories:

Mobilization                 Opposition to the War             Social Change

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