
Here you will find information on class discussions, readings and assignments, and links to supplementary information for success in American History. Enjoy!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, April 27th

Advanced American History

After a review of the legal issues related to the James Meredith Case in 1961-62, we briefly discussed the context for the events in Birmingham in 1963.  Regarded as the most segregated and violent city in the south, MLK and others chose to make that city the focus of the movement in the spring and summer of 1963. Police led by "Bull Connor" responded by arresting Dr. King, and used fire hoses and dogs to repel the marchers.  These confrontations would be in every major newspaper in the world, and would lead the federal government to get serious about meaningful Civil Rights legislation.

MLK's confinement also led to the letter from Birmingham Jail, a refutation of clergy who criticized King and his tactics.  This letter outlined his non-violent and civil disobedient philosophies.

Birmingham image courtesy wikipedia.org

Assignment:  Complete questions related to the letter from Birmingham Jail for Tuesday.

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