
Here you will find information on class discussions, readings and assignments, and links to supplementary information for success in American History. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13th

Advanced American History

Our attention today turned away from the plight of the urban industrial worker during the Gilded Age to the rural farmer and the populist movement.  Be able to understand the following questions for upcoming quizzes and tests:

1.  What were the problems farmers were facing in the 1890's?
2.  Who were the populists and what were their demands?
3.  What was the outcome and significance of the election of 1896?

Image of William Jennings Bryan courtesy Washington.edu

American History

Our focus today was on the change in the nature of work as the nation becomes increasingly urban and industrialized.  Notes on the factors that led to poor conditions for workers were taken. 

Assignment:  Complete Labor Movement questions -- yellow handout pgs 114-121.

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