
Here you will find information on class discussions, readings and assignments, and links to supplementary information for success in American History. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday, October 21st

Advanced American History

1.  Quiz #3 (Immigration, Urbanization, Westward Expansion, Progressivism)
2.  To further our study of progressivism and the transformative figure that was President Theodore Roosevelt, we will be viewing A&E Biography:  Teddy Roosevelt.

Reminder:  Gilded Age DBQ in class essay - Friday.

American History

1.  Quiz #3 (Immigration and Urbanization)
2.  Introduce Muckraker project.  You will assume the role of an investigative journalist writing for McClure's magazine in the early 20th century attempting to expose a specific social problem.  Research and writing days will be Thurs/Friday and articles will be due Monday. 

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